say want todo so many things in the end still haven go for tution...=_= went to watch battle of the wits by andy lau with lester, hai shi he better not lk others all forget each another liao....welll ppl move on...but seriously dun move on too such extend ma!!!!at least the show was nice la...but i want to watch happy feet leh!!!
NUS high much better place to go der do nothing rather then stay at home do nothing...haha at least there gt tiong kok lang can interact with me....but when i do nth der hor, i would sddnyl think where i should go on from here , lk what if i don't study? and i dun have any abilities or talents leh....drawing i oni noe how to draw stationary figures, nxt time have children hor mus let them learn alot alot of things if not nxt time they lk me noe nothing .....and today when i finally spoke up i couldnt hold the emotions inside, what is right what is wrong?
we can never walk away from the past
; where did I go wrong?.
sign up for courses!!!!go for tution!!!! tts the holiday programme but hor it seems so no life leh...
haiz why do humans only have the courage to do things only when they dun have to do it face to face leh, ok la mayb most of the times not alwas????i jus wan to update the blog la....T.T no particular reason lo.....
haha btw had a fun time with ttc at soccer today except i was seriously dirty, i think i gt phobia liao, if street soccer i dun mind=) so sad lo something happen today which made me realise u should not hold hope for something when its nt confirmed......then nowadays all the people all say see first.....haiz i feel so bored lo!
; where did I go wrong?.
finally i went vivo!!haha walk quite abit, bought a i.p. zone jacket!!!wahahaha but before tt i accompanied my fren to dental appointment, i want to say this bcos there were 2 rlly cute n pretty gals der.....argh, i wanted their fone number.....blame it on my guts!!!;P wateva la but vivo is loaded with people especially gals....then ate fried mars bar which was nt bad 1st time eating it leh! Lastly, it was casino royale!!the show had some frightening moments, but overall is nt tt exciting.... LOVE my ip jacket!!!cos it was the kind i wanted and it was oni $22....haha there are some things which are not expensive there wat, $20 - $30 shirts are available u noe? i want to go der agin when i have moni!!!>.<
; where did I go wrong?.
Today was watching tons of video in youtube and i found one rlly cute vid and a super hilarious vid!!!enjoy!!!
HIlarious one
cute one
; where did I go wrong?.
omg! omg! i jus finished a movie i rented which is called CLICK, its seriously nt a comedy...its full of meaning!!Adam sandler jus kept fast forwading his life, he didnt knew wat he missed till his last breath....a control that controls life? who wouldnt want it ? but in the end , it was the bits and parcels of life that made our lives sooo hmm i dunno wat word i shuld use it...mayb my blog readers can fill it for me?haha but wat i learn form the show is we should learn wat is given to us in life and accept it, cos it will pass over one day!whether isit pain or happiness it will all go by...and when it goes by and becomes jus but a memory in our heart it wun feel as hurtful as it felt before, and for the beatiful things that happened it will only taste sweeter when those memories of our teenage years come back to us.....
well...not only that it taught me that when u have evrything that u all wish for, u will lose things that u hold dear to....success in life is neccessary but the most important thing that u need to live on is ur family, well i can't say this is for those children with abusive parents..but for those of u who find ur mum or ur dad naggy, u will understand when u bcom parents ,i am sure we all will...
because when the evryone gives up on u, the only shelter that u can seek comfort is with a place called home where u have ur family. They will shower u with warmth they will listen to ur sorrows and they will feel the pain u have inside, the pain which no one understand and they are the only one that can see that ur heart is breaking....Thk god!!i have a family lk dis=)
for me, the ppl who were there for me is my family...well for others when u rlly feel lk there is no hope, no light and u find no str to carry on...plz, look around u! look around u bcos u will find the ppl who will give u str to carry on. When u no longer have the will to live on, then live on for those who gave u the str u need to carry on, LIVE ON for them.....
; where did I go wrong?.
Yoyo i am here to blog agin!!!so today i suddenly had inspiration after browsing the Final Fantasy websites, so i gt down n think n think and finally aft 1 hr or so VIOLA~~~~my female character was born her name is KAILA, although its not tt fantastic but if u can drop some comments!!=) thx enjoy the pictures of Kaila i will be drawing more...ha

; where did I go wrong?.
tok to sok hwee abt hyss the other time, i realise hw much i use to hate the extra remedials n sec sch life...but oni aft i left i realised i missed it
i believed alot of ppl have this kind of feeling wan rit? when u have it u say it's bad or wat, when u moved on u say its was rlly nice to have it...=_= mayb i will miss the morning assembly nxt time....
hmmm....i jus seemed to argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i dunno hw to express my views about life!!! W-H-Y wo de wan mei shi jie hai yi zhi tou bu ken lai.....
; where did I go wrong?.
today went to help sok hwee with her foto journal by playing with her canon digi cam which was good although the cam abit sot sot wan....den she took fotos of me playin bball, but go deleted all those pics tt i took of her=_= vry cute wan lo she play bball haha!!den go eat mos burger, sok hwee the fish burger i hope was nice for u leh, den chat vry long hope i was not talkative leh haha...here are some she sent me wan

the close ups others i will be taking from her tml
toking abt fotographs, i wonder will they still rmb the neoprints we 3 and sometimes a grp of us used to take when we were gg out? well i put it in a box, and take a look sometimes..haha hope they will cherish the memories we had even though these memories were short lived, cos i rmb them clearly...for tt particular moment the happiness tt our frenship had brought was captured and will live on for years...tts wat a fotograph is for, it gives immortality to a memory..hee
signing off~ bye!!!
; where did I go wrong?.
haiz haiz haiz....
today its still the same, hmm still can't shake off the pain i feel...
well today on the MRT, i saw a young couple, and i mean YOUNG they were lk at most 23 or something and they have a 4 or 5 year old daughter!!!haha then they dress the daughter up in hip hop style soo cute...and the mum was sooo pretty and the mum was also clad in hip hop clothes , she was totally hot and chic!!!!>.
and today an ironical thing happened to me, can say i sort of expected i was a wrong recipient of the message.....
makes me think mayb wq oso sms the wrong person, but i replied him lk so many times leh surely he would have realised aft i msg him twice rit?so i guess wq nv sent wrong msg....
; where did I go wrong?.
blogging once more jus came back from watching STEP UP nice show except a little bit more of dance moves would make the show better...hehe
on the way i was so sure a gal looked at me>.< dun care whether i bhb, aww i shuld have go ask for her number!!!=( she was cute! wah she see me look at her then she smile sia, but too abd i had to alight le...she looks lk a acjc student, i guess? hehehehe
well it seems i am not the only boring person around? can see some blogs are not frequently updated?wateva tml still need go to sch for zgpf filing, tts lk lame? grr n i haven finish my I & R i dun care la i jus hand up the edited wan.....and damn tt ONG, irresponsible teacher!!!!didnt even apologise for making 2 classes wait for him for an hour, wtf he think he is? another year in ijc awaits, pray its nt a shitty year agin.....:X god bless and shen bao you!!!!
; where did I go wrong?.
I AM bored out!!!i gues i am a freak!i alwas noe when i noe abt something it will rlly hurt, but i jus wan to noe sometimes...u noe? u jus have the urge to noe even though it dun mean anything, =( am i rlly such a bad person? there are lk sooo many places i want to go, and hearing others tok abt gg jus make me feel so bu gan yuan!!! i keep saying nxt year is gonna be better, but i gues its just a form of self - comforting? must be ba, is evrything even on track? it alwas feels lk i am sitting in a train station alone at the middle of the night, everywer i go....
have your ever felt lonely even though u're standing among thousands of people?
but the most surpriseing thing was wq sms me to go to a gathering, i was lk huh? then he said he had msg the date to me but i din receive leh...so i was lk thinking mayb he msged the wrong person le, but i asked him then he said no...sort of felt happy i gues? cos ever since i left hyss, i alwas think abt them, the times we went bowling n stuff those were the times i felt wanted...n there is also a chalet organised by my frens...he rmbered to call me oso,these were surely comforting times. Things do seem mundane and meaningless, but somewer i noe i can find my sense of belonging...
i alwas wonder i did say srry, was i too harsh when i said it? was it necessary for things to end this way?this is not for a gal anyway, just to clarify....ok
let's sum up my jc 1 life
-good memories
-bad experiences
-bad results
-no achievements
-and i lost alot
-learn alot
; where did I go wrong?.
evrything is over, results were out....unwanted emotions were shown, it felt weird n kinda sad i wish all those who couldnt move on all the best...zi jie thx for the tok we had in GB=) it was nice toking to u lk tt agin n playing with u all day long!
2006!!!the 1st step into IJC!!!it was a bad year....godda chg!!!2007!!it will be better, mus think this way....
it felt kinda sad tt when i looked at those who were once better frens with me n realise i couldnt speak a word to them...i wanted to walk up to them to comfort or congragulate them....
hmm there's nth much to say except i hope 2007 will b better for all!!!
; where did I go wrong?.
popping in to blog!!jus so to not let my blog die....
unexpected guest in my tagboard...thx val ur words meant alot!!=)
op is ending soon, some class mates may retain promote go poly, it will all reveal this fri aft A lvl chinese...feels kinda weird~~cos in sec sch the whole class usually promote tgt, i gues as we grow up we face different changes...8 mths of bitter and sweet taste of jc life...i can only say there were memorable moments lk hw the 1st time i surprised my fren with a bdae gift at casueway and having steamboat with frens for the 1st time...so many 1st time including sad ones..omg , haha dunno wat to say le=(
well nvm i read finish the death note manga alrdy!!! its full of unexpected changes, can't wait for the manga artist's nxt series!!well have been staying at home lk..... forever?i think i am gg to be autistic or sumthing=_= But nvm!!haha luckily 2 gals's bdae are comin haha n i get to spend it with them...some fresh air outside?tt day when i saw him, i realise it seemed impossible to tok to him....i gues we din want to face each other....i saw the loneliness looking at him walk away, lk the loneliness i felt.
there is alwas a sunrise after a sunset,
u just have to wait through the darkest period,
to experience the greater joy....
; where did I go wrong?.