talking abt today!!!mr chow is so freaking funny la...if i bcom a teacher i would want to teach lk him(but i wouldnt want to be like him, if ur noe wat i mean..)a teacher who is able to bring out the attention of the class is definitely a good teacher...the fun fair is comin!!!!hope the haunted hse can run smoothly on tt day i committe ma, would reflect good on me oso....
TICKETS FOR SALE ARH...someone jus buy the two freaking tickets from me la..pls???haha come come to the HOUSE at the LT3 , we will be waiting...muahahahaha
Today i realised i have learnt how to handle things which i coulndt handle in the past. When we brushed pass each another today at the station i realise one thing, and i understand that all along he din see me as a fren that i see him as...well after occasions that alwas seem to happen on weekends i realised i rlly saw too much into this, wat actually was a nothing more then a 'frenship'. Bcos looking back i realised if a a person really treats u as a close fren to him , he wun try to perceive u as another person's best fren and most importantly he or she would definitely make u feel ur existence.I guess this is karma for i have treated one person the same way in the past.I couldnt really understand why it seems as though he din have the courage to show me that he was proud to be my fren, nor did i really understand why it seems as though i am alwas the one giving in even though at times it was crystal clear that i wasnt wrong. I couldnt come with terms and kept asking myself how come?But i finally understood....but i not making a big fuss i jus want to say i understand, and i m not blaming anyone for anything...
; where did I go wrong?.
i...love...shooting.....=) hehe
wah today i rlly sry to some of the things i said to my classmates...nxt time i will be more conscious of wat i said....and so happy i ran 23 mins for the X country!!unbelievable la i din noe i was tt determined man...too bad i still slower than ODAC member by lk 1 min...which is rlly alot but today i think my heart nearly popped dunno why i jus couldnt run with the flu....lucky today light pe nia no biggie phew~
my blog is so boring...should i start writing about local issues to improve my gp?well evrybody has their own excitement in life just that i haven found my..=)
wee~~signing off
i will stand still, i learned something from u
; where did I go wrong?.
2007...according to the feng shui book mum bought its gonna be a smooth sailing year for me nearly in evrything!!!and out of all the elements , earth which is mine element is good!haha feels good to read it even though its nt 100% accurate...i dunno why i so eager for new year....jus want to go out one day n carry a few bags home=) college life starting to get better, i finally gt my labelled gun coach said i had improvement during last week training felt nice to hear tt...wahaha oh ya today sddnly gt a feel in designing a show, n thx to a guy who crushed all my joy by saying my design suck...wateva i still wish to show it even though it sucks wateva..=_= i will still try to chg the design n make my DIY shoe...
i feel bored...there is alwas a new wave of things happening, i can't seem to hold on n i won't try to hold on, jus come n go as u wish

the first design for the left shoe i came up with too punky le so i will chg it..=)
signing off, i have chged
; where did I go wrong?.
sooooooooo shagged outtttt!!!this week is rlly a tiring one la the cross country drain all my energy , im seriously weak then still gt flu thus i ran my worst timing today for 2.4km!argh!!!!such a hectic week i jus wanna lie on the bed n nt wrry abt homewrk, losing the motivation i had le..so fast0.0 i hope new year comes soon!!!i still cannot settle dwn to the j2 life, its so...ur noe it la!can god jus add something to my life or wat?today is a bad day lo including the 2.4 timing n mr wong with his mood swing keep increasing our quantity of PT, he think vry funny isit?then went shooting dunno why my rifle's air container was stuck to my bolt!!!arh and i tried turning it in the end cutting my hand=_=so itchy and pain la then i gt the WORST shooting grouping i can ever get...i was so tired keep missing so freaking pissed!!!but the only good thing that happen is i gt my shooting tee!!!so nice la still gt my name on it:) and ms ang(maths) send me n tc to causeway , such a nice teacher..haha
my blog is one dead blog, aww so sad no one reads it de leh no tags=_= T_T
; where did I go wrong?.
Firstly, Happy bdae to Zhilun!!hope u enjoy ur bdae celebration=)
things have been lk abit up abit down, evryday gt diff things although their small things but somehow i just can't stop thinking..haha weird huh?its jan, its passing so fast but yet the sch hours are so freaking long.....and the things i hoped havent showed any signs of coming either(its not a galfren)
well put aside all tt, when someone chges for the good it should be good rit? but somehow it rlly seems to be problemtic, there are rlly good intentions but somehow its kinda too early to jus spill out all ur ideas....these ideas mus wait when there is a opportunity for them not when there is no need to implement these ideas u spill evrything out and tries to make the whole world understand....i'm not saying i'm right but from wat i see i believe i am right.
sometimes it may not be the people around you who dun understand u, but it may just be that u dun understand urself bcos u dunno wat u want u keep diverting from evry thing u want to do evrything at one go and wanting evrything to turn out the way u want...ITS NOT TRUE!!!
mayb its the time to think why ppl dun accept but not how to make ppl accept.....
green with envy
; where did I go wrong?.
MAGGIE is gg to olkahoma at sep and staying der for 3 years.....this blog is dedicated to her hope she finds an ang moh hunk ,come back with a great degree , and achieve wat she wants in life...maggie good lUCK!!!!
it was a watermelon drink tt made me talk to u...LOL
the girl with the contacts and her dyed SHORT hair,
her presence nvr fails to brighten up others,
the daily craving she has for dark chocolate,
makes evry word she say seem so sweet (haha)
the coin bank tt represents her will alwas stand 'tall' on my table....
even though we din have enough fate to noe each other better,
but u left me special moments.
though this is not composed of bombastic words..haha
but its who u are as a fren to me=)....
; where did I go wrong?.
yay bought my running shoes green mizuno NICE! walk with ttc so many hours finally settled on tt one...but sometimes qnsway de ppl rlly CB!yes i MUST use vulgarities...tt bloody guy say wrong price i tot wah so cheap then he ask me my budget so i anyhw say a price then he say fake one then gt this price .....FUCKER!!!!!!ITs the store opposite a spectacle shop dun EVER go der cos there customer service is fucked up.....i walked away anyway=_= thx ttc for accompanying me walk for so many hours luckily he bought a shoe himself .....i bought 2 again..haha for new year de so i will keep it clean till new year!!!>.<
it just take a few mins to end something which actually seems so BIG, lol glad it's over sometimes i should jus kepp quiet.....
; where did I go wrong?.
sometimes its rlly so stupid to stand for someone who deosnt even have a clue wat things are gg on....people can be jus sooo naive to not see things which are so bloody obvious! and i thought it would turn for the better but it alwas has to be a turn for the worst...right back wer we started....=_= it jus doesnt feel tt right, even though when evrything is gg fine one sentence can jus destroy evrything...i'm nt petty or wat, but to me tt sentence rlly hit me hard! well it can only wait till lk evrything jus fade away....haiz why does ppl jus dun understand wat i'm sayin? either they are rlly ignorant or they jus start scolding me...m i wrong?
i guess i'm jus a spare
; where did I go wrong?.
somethings are better left unsaid....
wat u said, it had another meaning to me
it was rlly unexpected of u
but i gues .......
; where did I go wrong?.
wooo~~~~~so much homework yay!!!!i gg crazy doin all the homewrk....gt so many tests=) but at least gt a nice class nice frens n a funny Gp teacher...haha haiz when can i go buy new year clothes!!!!j2 is kinda of stuffy, imagine a 100ton weight tied to ur leg=_= kinda tiring also but suddnly i gt so movtivated!!!keep telling myself evryday jus abit more concentrate abit more study abit more commit to cca more ....i dun wan to be a LOSER in life just bcos i couldn't make it to better jc with my sucky L1R5, and things that i recently saw rlly made me dun want to be at the bottom.....J2!!!!12j de ppl jia YOU!!!!
even though i am so motivated i want buy my new stuff for the new year!!!!!!!
- THE puma bag
-new sneakers!!!!!!
-new track shoes!!!!!!!!!!!
-my new year clothes!!!!!!!!!!!
lol i m such an asshole for wanting so many things>.<
sometimes it just take a sry to end evrything
; where did I go wrong?.
yoyo i'm finally blogging this is gonna be a long post so if u have time then read wor if not thx for visiting!
2007 is the year where it seems to be a better year for me, sch is good ,teachers are good, i love gg to sch again to bcos of the nice teachers and interesting GP lessons and evrything.But it feels so empty now tt the frens i cherish are not with me in the class but at least through all the happenings between us, i start to cherish this fren more. However good things may seem now, there is a bad side to things. 18 this year and i believe i have rlly grown, through all the pains and happiness tt i have experienced as i struggle to survive in the hectic life of jc. And seeing things that i wouldnt have understand in the past, should i feel proud? All i can say is i rlly have grown. And i hope even if in the end i am alone, i would want to walk through this journey of life right beside with my frens and family who felt the pain i felt, and gave me light till the time comes.
Sad things is i've understand the things i din understand in the past through the hard way. i finally know wat it felt lk to be at the other end. I was deceived by someone i thought i could trust even though those lies were harmless. But being cheated time and time again, i think i have lost hope. Karma, is all i can say but one day it will all turn around, just lk it was my turn to experience wat others had felt. And for the 1st time in my life i felt so motivated to fight for myself , after 16 years of confusion i found my goal. I dun want to lose in life, i want to be what i can , i want to be able to stand proud aand say i did my best when 2007 has ended. LETS GO evrything is just getting started!!
this kinda sums up evything my 2007 for now....=)
Lying is not a sin,
but lying about not lying,
is the most sinful thing.
; where did I go wrong?.
sch reopens...abit sianz la but evrythin is currently gg weel mayb bcos the tough stuff haven come yet...although our GP teacher is such a sadist and make rlly sarcrastic jokes but i find him funny makes the lesson more interesting!!our other teachers , 2 words "too serious" ....1st time lk so scared sia abt studying i mean..
well well, there's a 1st time for evrything, but i rlly regret tt "1st time" so ps....just can't shake it off....hope evrything turns out well
r we frens? bcos sometimes u make me feel lk we're not
; where did I go wrong?.
3 more hours till the first dawn of 2007! What did ur do ytday ? i was jus slacking at home playin psp all day but i finished some of my mlg le...well the last day of 2006 was jus a normal day for me...at night i accompanied ma n pa for the fireworks in town , but we actually went to the wrong side so we could oni see the reflections of the fireworks on the buildings but i saw a little part of it when i chged position, why am i saying all this? It's bcos it kinda wrapped up my 2006, the things i pictured out to be din rlly turned out to be, but oni at the last few mins of the firework show which represents the last few mths i saw light...well the frenster horoscope says the future i pictured out to be will still turn out my way but with a different cast of characters which i think is
bullshit la!!!2007 this is the year which will rlly determine my destiny, bcos it's the A lvls this is the year where my life path is decided....kinda scary this year will pass lk a bullet for sure, but i hope it will be a better year!
u noe u alwas have some kinda of resolutions but for me it nv works out..so i just put for the sake of putting..haha wat are ur resolutions for this year?
- not below C's in all my subjects except econs
-get a gold in NAFA test
-be consistent in shooting training
-to show others that i can be a new 'me'
hmm actually that kinda sums it up, wonder at the end of 2007 what will it be for me? will i still be single?will i be worrying abt my results?haha
; where did I go wrong?.