>.< sch is ending!!!!!!!!in 1 week MORE or 2!!!!haha hmm actually i rlly have nt much to say.....HAHA!but i am glad that i made gd frens in j2....well there is alwas ups and down in life but sometimes taking it with a pinch of salt makes life better.....
i can feel it coming, haha i mean my A's result at least i dun feel helpless anymore...and its great improvements for me la!! lk i was during last year's promos if only i stretch harder ...yarrrrrr!!!!=)
something so perfect on the surface not necessarily means its perfect inside, i rlly wonder wat can a person ask for more when he has something which ppl envy?hmm i guess i am jus bored to be thinking abt all these shit....omg i am so freaking random=_=
; where did I go wrong?.

hehe this is the cake sis bought!!!
special pic bro and me took!!! siew and simpsons family!!!
ths today for tien wc ttc and rico for their treat at gelare appreciated it=)but i was glad abt something esle today haha surprised by you...=)
; where did I go wrong?.
WOOO!officially 18! m18 movies liqour and clubs>.< actually i nt so bo liao to wish myself happy bdae, but something special happened at the stroke of midnite. Jus when i was revising, a sms came in and it was from a old fren even though its a simple sms it rlly made me happy=)well this fren was there for me when i needed her, though we din tok much but she was the 1st to rmb my bdae! thx sh!
On the surface, they were talking jokes but it was rlly nice of the guys to rmb it even though sometimes they dun seem lk frens who care but they do at certain times la....haha, it is better now=)
; where did I go wrong?.
WOOO!!!30 days to A's feeling the jitters>.< but well rather then worry ,STUDY!!!haha rest lk shit for 4 days liao power up alrdy hahaha its time to chiong chiong chiong!!!
well today felt vry special when listening to the song 'Home' by chris daughtry, reminded me of the things and hw my family was derT.T it was so touching this time i heard it dunno why?! Anyww 'Qiang Qiang' by ella of S.H.E is also vry vry nice go dl it and send it to me if u have it pretty pls????(sry me noob blogger lazy to find the song to put on blog)
Anyw thx sis for the bdae cake it was damn nice shall put the fotos later...love it alot=)grateful for the things i have=)
bdae wish!...............................
but wouldnt it be better if i got tt another one wish that i have wishing it would happen all these years?
; where did I go wrong?.
Today i enjoyed gg out with a bunch of classmates i am nt so close to....but it turn out they are rlly understanding ppl. Sometimes if u rlly try to adpt to different situation u get a different result and its lk a nice blend of fruit juice=) well had fun with them today la too bad we din take fotos or something=_=
but there are other good things too at least now i noe there is improvement in my results from the teachers.....and have ur ever had a kind of feeling that even though u may not noe a person well but sometimes mere words from them can make a difference in ur mood? haha tt's all i am gg to say lo......
''jenny'is nice!!!and u feel like jenny to me hahaha
; where did I go wrong?.
haizhaiz....well i am bored...haha but just now was fun....cos me and bro sddnly went lunatic and started shooting pearls at each other(those pearls from bubble tea).....haha childish rit?but damn fun. At that moment rlly felt so relaxed and lk forgot abt evrything, sort of went back in time, well it was nice having tt kind of feeling though even though it was temporary=)
yay prelim 2 pls b over and give me my results, hope i do better this time round...then its YQ bdae!!!haha no joke YQ we r celebrating it for u!!!!!haha well since its falls nicely on marking day so why not?haha but i am still bored can anyone tell me how RJC ppl study? can they rlly sit there lk 10 hours and study non stop?o.O tt would be way cool man teach me plsssss?pretty pls??
u can make a whole lot of difference if only u rmb, do u?
; where did I go wrong?.
maths n econs over le!!!maths was nt tougher than prelim 1 la hope i get better grade then prelim 1 even for econs i felt i tried harder this time for econs....its left phy and chem considering paper 2 i sux shit, so jy for the rest!!!*gulps down lingzhi water*haha
; where did I go wrong?.
hmm disgusted by someone today, one big asshole acting ignorant and all.....f him!!well not me someone mayb?
well shall not be bothered but ppl do u noe something?i think incense paper is a demerit gd man?!with all due respect but can't ppl jus burn the incense(i think i spelt it wrongly wateva la)
with more consideration and not smack it into the bin and let all the ashes fly out or something? Worst there are ppl who buy lk $100 worth of it and find a spot below the HDB and burn it!!!WTH is the freaking bin for?!!!!are u ppl blind or something?i am just saying the least they could do is to burn their paper in the bin rather then all over the place, causing ppl to accidently step on them and get possesed or something.....damn~!
haiz , mayb i am over-reacting ....today chem was lkp =( last qns i noe hw to do and yet i din have time and ECONS y isit so hard to pass the subject???????arghhhhhhh!!!but i think i have a weeny little bit of chance of passing shen bao you god bless me
; where did I go wrong?.
argh!!!sianz!!mum bought some expensive lingzhi and made me drank lingzhi water, i am so hyped up now that i can't sleep!!!!but i want to sleep...=_= still gt chem to study=_=
well the only nice thing tt happen today was watching jacky wu show at 11:30pm today they had this couples section, aww so sweet if only i had a gf who cares for me and studies with me....well tts jus a wish, putting that aside the ling zhi rlly works!!!nt tt i am exaggerating or wat but i absorb things quite well today!and i feel so energised to study but due to the late night syndrome i jus to sian to study le=_+ wat to do ?! ppl are studying so hard wth am i doin?!!!!haha anyw ppl out there plz cultivate good studying habits in ur kids, cos obviously mine suck shit now if not i would have been in rjc?!haha well back to papers and more papers...
hmm, suddenly life feels lk a drama cos of the soap operas happening around me....can't teenagers jus learn to let go??wat is wrong with tweens today huh? or mayb is me who is ignorant well its subjective la.....
; where did I go wrong?.
haiz haiz....as exams are nearing i suddenly have mixed emotions, happy tt school is ending and i am rlly nervous abt A's. Worst of all, why does all good things come to end, just when evrything is gg well, someone had to drop the bomb! Evryone is stress and sddnly it seems lk i need to strive harder...well its not lkp i will flunk my A's jus tt its kinda uncertain to whether..haiya dunno la evrything is abit rocky now=(
but on the brighter side, i can't wait for the short period of slackness tt i can enjoy aft A's!!woo~~well well i am so random these days...i miss toking to alot of ppl anyw....especially U!haha it can be anyone wor dun think too much hor!haha
; where did I go wrong?.