You never really appreciate until you experience something worst off....
You never really see the pain unless you are one of them
You never really feel the sting unless you are the one hearing it
'hurt' moments of life=_=
sianess sometimes if camp have easier time staying in it would feel better cos i have excuse from the realities of life=_= appeals , pray they pass through!
not a good time to ask 'how have you been doing', if you get wat i'am saying
; where did I go wrong?.

BACKPAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wahahahahha, yes it finally came, more than i expected. Super happy, now i can buy my stuff and pay my bills and save too......heeheee
SO, ate a sumptous favourite MOS burger meal and my ultimate fav ice cream...then i embarked on a journey to search for my jean...so aft walking here and der finally bought a pair at SPIN THE BOTTLE, love it and then walk walk again then saw this store at PS which sells cool graphic tees jus beside LEVI's. Bought 2..super
And the highlight was catching HAROLD AND KUMAR!!!finally watch it after desperate measures ,me cs and chest found a cinema at shaw towers, hilarious!!!love it, payday is alwas a lovely day=)
eh, but today its MUM's day,so hope all mums in the world rock on.....
Guess it's fated clubbing with army dudes is not possible, haha...(read btwn the lines?)
no hard feelings=)
NXT week totally fucked up gt range, weekend burnt...shit!
life miserable,
no gf,
no uni letter,
no wild frens free to club(haha),
; where did I go wrong?.
Nth much today but was rlly glad we get to booked out earlier than expected...BY ALOT!!haha slacked at home did PT and went for midnit show with kor....IRON MAN!
and mymy the tix are $10 lk wtf?!most exp movie i ever watch. But it was good,4 stars mayb?But the graphics were awesome=) so overall i am ok with $10 movie ticket
At the cinema, saw a gal with 4 guy frens all just normal frens for a late late nite movie..hmm not dangerous meh? the guys may get ho**y and all, i mean the gal was cute haha...hmmmmmm
; where did I go wrong?.