AWW man....finally i am now a battalion boy!AND I DUN FEEL ANY JOY AT ALL...All the training tt is abt to come, brunei and stupid treatment and WORST no nights off and friday book out anymore!!!!!!!!!!(tt is lk the ultimate nightmare)To add on to my misery, they din arrange proper bunks for us, its lk a 2 man bunk but have to sqeeuze 8 man~~~fucking shit!!The room condition is fucked up to the max!I rlly can't expect much of the life ahead...man, i can't wait for uni!!!500 something more days to ord...gawd it seems lightyearsSERIOUSLY i enjoyed certain parts of life inside camp, but when you are not an officer ,life will never be goodT.TIts plain depressing thinking of gg back after my leave which ends TOMORROW!!haiz, i miss school life, school life!!!!!!!
; where did I go wrong?.

just watched get smart with siblings and cute neighbour!!haha funny show with loads of family frenly jokes=) but the best part was playing with neighbour and he tore his pants right when we were supposed to leave west mall....totally pawnage!!!!!!!!SO WAS ANNE HATHAWAY!!!she is a uber charming woman, totally smitten with her~~~~~~loves the holidays and evrything....if only i had more money it would be a BLAST!!!
; where did I go wrong?.
YAY!!!!!!!!BLOCK LEAVE!!!luves...but too bad no cash to go overseas, but nvermind clubbing was hyper!!!Music was high, liquor was good and BEST gals were hot=)Kenneth, dom and gang were good ppl, thx!!!pics still with dom, but the most hilarious part was the 'uncles and geeks' dancing at zouk stage!!!it was 'omg' funny!!!!WANT TO GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!Haiz, i wan to watch zohan sia and the hulk anyone up for it????block leave is pure heaven.....dunrlly want to go back battalion for hell=(
; where did I go wrong?.
the fun times with buddies=) last week went out with chest n mh, had a nice time jus chilling out with them...it was nice until..haha mh n chest knows it=) then the curse of the 3 man group came where we would alwas b stuck with 3 man when the night sets in....but there were interesting things lk the cat which had a ERECTED tail in a weird way...
focus focus on the tail!!!haha
The ALL stars league, hee all had the same brand of shoe=)then when the curse struck us,this is wat bcame of us....


my pretty T shirt=)lurvesssss
BUt today had tons of fun in the sec sch clicks gathering=) It's alwas a fun tiem with them la never fail to make me laugh....the best=)we went mind cafe a place near paradiz centre where ppl play board games and jus chill....nice chill place=)the board game playing gt really high ...haha hilarious actions and stupid jokes, made my day totally=)
And b4 i knew it, it was dinnertime at NYDC(food was ok,swenson and fish&co is better), pics still with dawn then we walked around suntec...haha look at this
this joker yq din even realise he gt fairy fillers on his head until i took the foto and showed it to him...haha dawn put it on..Amazing~~~
Suntec has a special fountain, was so amazed i took a picture of it, but doesnt show why i am amzed with it...
the lighting made the water seems lk its flowing up and the water made the little lights look like their floating?haha
then off we go to hooters at clark quay for a little tequila(3 jugs), chat chill hang love the finger guessing fun=) and we ended the day with fotos=)time past so fast with them...haha

nice day~~~~
; where did I go wrong?.