I AM BACK!!to my blogging and also from overseas training!!! pray BCU for the 23rd let's go!!!The training was neurotic and emotional, i felt like a family for split seconds when evryone cheered at the end of frame dinner.....sadly we did not go to the 'promised' land but nevertheless photos taken just check out my facebook acc yeah?
I learn lotsa things from the trip, but its really complicated anyways. One of the most important thing i learnt was the people who will always be there for me=) FAMILY.....the utmost impotant thing in my life, though not usually what a army dude would say. There are really times when u would fall and wished u could just lie there. These are the times u think about those important to u and u stand strong just so u know how proud of u the are at home. haha enough for the emo talk, came back with a shit allergy reaction, can't party can't do shit actually. Was really glad it happened at home anyways, so i have ppl to take care of me=) yawnsssss tired and bored=_=
i'm seriously a freaking random dude
; where did I go wrong?.